Dr. Ruth Hunter
Clinical Psychologist
Ruth completed her Undergraduate BSc in Psychology at the University of Warwick in 2007, subsequently worked in Uganda and the NHS and then went on to undertake her Clinical Doctorate at the University of Surrey.
Ruth splits her time between working in a Paediatric NHS service supporting children, parents and families, private work with children, young people and adults, and as an Associate with Therapy Links UK. As well as working currently with children with a range of medical, behavioural and emotional difficulties Ruth has worked previously within an NHS Community Feeding Team supporting children and their families with a range of feeding and restrictive eating difficulties. This included undertaking assessments, providing parent training and support, 1:1 intervention support, running therapy groups and professional liaison.
Alongside experience and skills in common psychological approaches such as CBT, psychodynamic therapy and behavioural therapy, Ruth has undertaken additional training in narrative therapy, systemic therapy (family therapy), NET (Narrative Exposure Therapy) and SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) training.