Our current vacancies

(scroll down to see them all!)

Speech & Language Therapist (NQT)

NHS band 5 equivalent

£35,418 - £43,468 pro-rata (inclusive of London Weighting)

full time / part time / term time only considered

We are looking for newly qualified speech and language therapists to join our team in September. We offer individualised support through your RCSLT preceptorship framework, with an emphasis on teamworking, supervision, appropriate administration vs clinical time, and staff wellbeing - we work hard to make sure your first role as a speech and language therapist is a positive one!

The roles will involve both weekly support in identified schools, largely in South East London and Bexley area, alongside supporting our trailblazing “pay what you can afford” service.  Our schools service provide support to mainstream primary, secondary and FE college setting, and specialist settings to include SEMH schools, schools for children with Autism and those with learning disabilities / other complex needs

Please click to see the job description, and for an informal chat please contact us. To apply, please fill in our application form info@therapy-links.co.uk.

Specialist Speech & Language Therapist

NHS Band 6 equivalent

£44,074 - £52,387 pro-rata (inclusive of London Weighting)

full time / part time / term time only considered

We are looking for creative, dedicated therapists to join our team, and will consider applications looking for full time or part time roles – we offer individualised support, supervision and CPD for staff, and run a service that is highly valued by families and settings.  The roles will involve both weekly support in identified schools, largely in South East London & Bexley, alongside referrals in our “pay what you can afford” service.  Our schools service provide support to mainstream primary, secondary and FE college setting, and specialist settings to include SEMH schools, schools for children with Autism and those with learning disabilities / other complex needs.

As an NHS B6 equivalent therapist you will be supported to develop a clinical specialism alongside taking on co-ordination of a small area of service.

As we are a small company there is lots of scope to get involved in service improvement projects and to really develop your skills as a specialist therapist. 

Please click to see the job description, and for an informal chat please contact us. To apply, please fill in our application form info@therapy-links.co.uk.

Specialist Occupational Therapist

NHS Band 6 equivalent

£44,074 - £52,387 pro-rata (inclusive of London Weighting) 

Full time and part-time position available (term time only also considered)  

We are looking for a creative, dedicated Occupational Therapists to join our team in September.  The role will involve weekly support in designated specialist educational settings supporting children and young people with a range of neurodevelopmental needs, autism, learning disability and children with social, emotional and mental health needs.  The post-holders will be well supported by the Clinical Lead Occupational Therapist.  We offer lots of support, supervision and CPD for staff, and run a service that is highly valued by families and settings.  As we are a small company there is lots of scope to get involved in service improvement projects.  

Please click to see the job description, and for an informal chat please contact us. To apply, please fill in our application form info@therapy-links.co.uk.